About this tutorial
This tutorial will walk you through deploying your first blueprint, a python webserver that says "Hello World" with a Cloudify logo, on Microsoft Azure.
Install Cloudify Manager and Upload Plugins
1. Spin up a Cloudify Manager on your local machine. This requires
Docker to be installed as well. Copy and paste the below into your terminal and wait for that to finish:
sudo docker run --name cfy_manager_local -d --restart unless-stopped -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro --tmpfs /run --tmpfs /run/lock --security-opt seccomp:unconfined --cap-add SYS_ADMIN -p 80:80 -p 8000:8000 cloudifyplatform/community:18.10.4
2. SSH into the Docker machine with
docker exec -it cfy_manager_local /bin/bash
3. Install the plugins bundle (this installs 11 plugins, not all of which are necessary for this example). Copy and paste the below into your terminal:
cfy plugins bundle-upload
Create secrets
Secrets are a more secure way to pass inputs such as passwords and keys for your deployments. You can create secrets using the terminal or from Cloudify Console (the UI) – both options are presented below.
Option 1: Using the Terminal
*Replace "[value]" with the actual value for the secret.
cfy secrets create subscription_id --secret-string [value]
cfy secrets create tenant_id --secret-string [value]
cfy secrets create client_id --secret-string [value]
cfy secrets create client_secret --secret-string [value]
Option 2: Using Cloudify Console (UI)
1. Open your browser to
and login with username
admin and password
2. Click on "System Resources" from the side menu

3. Click the "Create" button in the Secret Store Management widget

4. Add the key and value for each secret individually (using the list above in Option 1), then click "Create"
Deploying the application
Now let's deploy our application. We will offer both a terminal as well as UI option.
Option 1: Using the Terminal
The below command will deploy the Hello World application on your cloud of choice.
*Replace information inside [] with actual values, without the []
cfy install https://github.com/cloudify-cosmo/cloudify-hello-world-example/archive/master.zip -n azure.yaml -b hello-world-azure -i location=[YOUR REGION] -i agent_password=[YOUR AGENT PASSWORD]
Next, run
cfy deployment outputs [DEPLOYMENT ID]
The Deployment ID will be "hello-world-azure" or similar and the output will look like this:
cfy deployment outputs hello-world-azure
Retrieving outputs for deployment hello-world-azure...
- "application_endpoint":
Description: The external endpoint of the application.
Value: http://IP_ADDRESS_OF_APP:80
Find the "Value" and enter that IP address into your browser and if you see the below image, you did it!

To tear down the deployment, simply run the command below and the application, as well as blueprint, will be deleted.
cfy uninstall [DEPLOYMENT ID]
Option 2: Using Cloudify Console (UI)
1. In the Cloudify UI, navigate to
Local Blueprints select

2. Right-click and copy
this link. Paste the URL where it says
Blueprint package. Provide a name, such as
hello-world-azure, in the field labeled
Blueprint name. Select the
azure.yaml blueprint from the
Blueprint YAML file dropdown and click

3. After the new blueprint has been created, click the

button and enter your
Deployment name such as
hello-world-azure and any other required inputs. Then click, the
Deploy button.

4. Navigate to the
Deployments page, find your new deployment, select
Install from the

menu and then

5. You can click on the deployment name to see the logs. Once the operation is complete, you will see the following in the logs:

6. Above the logs you will find the
Deployment Outputs widget with the IP address of your application. Paste that address into your browser and if you see the below image, you did it!

7. To tear down the deployment, go back to the
Deployments page, click on the

and choose
Uninstall from the menu, then click
Execute. When the uninstall workflow is complete, you can also remove the deployment by choosing
Delete option from that same menu and clicking
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