Getting Involved. How to Contribute to Cloudify Examples.
This guide will present the criteria for accepting contributions to the Cloudify Examples Section.
Repository Packaging
Each example must be packaged as a Github repository under the Cloudify-Examples Github organization.
The repository itself should contain the following files:
- A package file.
- At least one example blueprint.
- Any necessary files for the successful execution, including example inputs files.
What goes in the Readme
- First – a brief summary of the example.
- Next – any disclaimers about usability, supported behavior, warnings, etc.
- An About section, which includes supported versions of Cloudify, OS, which version of dependencies (e.g. Docker or Puppet), whether the example is for use with a Cloudify Manager or local workflows, or both, etc.
- An Execution Instructions section.
Example Blueprint
The example blueprint(s) should follow the file naming convention of [provider]-blueprint.yaml in the file name. For example:
- local-blueprint.yaml
- openstack-blueprint.yaml
If relevant, there should be a blueprint for each of the main providers (
Blueprint organization
Blueprints should adhere to the following order:
- DSL_VERSION declaration
- imports section
- inputs section
- node_types definition section
- relationships definition section
- node_templates section
Inside of the node_templates section, there is a convention of the following order:
- First, application related node templates.
- Then, infrastructure related node templates.
How to submit
Get in touch with us.
What’s Next
To learn more about writing examples, see
blueprint authoring and
plugin authoring guides.
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