Cloudify latest service pack, 4.3.1, is available online.
Premium manager install:
Premium cli packages urls:
OpenStack image:
Docker image:
Docker hub: docker pull cloudifyplatform/premium:4.3.1 or
docker pull cloudifyplatform/premium:latest
AWS manager images named 'Cloudify-Manager-4.3.1':
US WEST 1 (N. CALIFORNIA) - ami-a78998c7
US WEST 2 (OREGON) - ami-44e0853c
US EAST 1 (N. VIRGINIA) - ami-7c943401
US EAST 2 (OHIO) - ami-20615145
EU WEST 1 (IRELAND) - ami-44a3ff3d
EU WEST 2 (LONDON) - ami-b324c5d4
EU WEST 3 (PARIS) - ami-aa1dabd7
EU CENTRAL 1 (FRANKFURT) - ami-d61b443d
AP SOUTHEAST 1 (SINGAPORE) - ami-17e8b36b
AP SOUTHEAST 2 (SYDNEY) - ami-315b9453
AP NORTHEAST 1 (TOKYO) - ami-7e7a6e02
AP NORTHEAST 2 (SEOUL) - ami-e678d788
SA EAST 1 (SAO PAULO) - ami-9b0254f7
CA CENTRAL 1 (CANADA) - ami-a850d6cc
AP SOUTH 1 (MUMBAI) - ami-06416469
See the full release notes below:
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